Author : nancy

479 posts

  Nine Writing books I love and Four that inspired me to become a writer. 1. Goal, Motivation and Conflict: The Building Blocks of Good Fiction – by Debra Dixon. After I read this book, it changed the way I thought about my plotting. I got to hear her speak about this in September and …
Now I can see who links to me and how people find me! Thus, I found another Meme I was tagged for by Esther. Thanks again, honey! Aprons – Y/N? I don’t have any but I keep telling myself I need to make a few. I think they would make me feel more like working. …
I got this from Esther. She apparently tagged me in March and I missed it, so here it is now! 1. Where/How did you meet? I saw him in the choir of the church I was attending. We were both Lutherans at the time. My roommate was the deaconess and she asked his mother how …
My husband sent me this link. I did answer yes to several of these questions but I don’t believe Attack of the Queen can be considered a rip-off of The Lord of the Rings Nor is Sword & Illusion, the sequel. Any of you out there writing fantasy, take the quiz and see what you …
My new friend Jess tagged me with this. Thanks, Jess! I always wanted to be tagged by someone! Here Are The Rules 1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. 3. At the end …
Just added some information on the writers’ cruise I’ll be participating in this July and added a new cruise in 2008 out of Los Angeles. I just found out about that one yesterday so I don’t have any details, but I’m pretty excited about it!
What kinds of books do you read? Some readers are loyal to one genre of fiction, heading directly to the romance or mystery sections of the bookstore and rarely browsing any of the other sections. Some readers read nearly everything they can get their hands on, regardless of the “label.” Other readers read only literary …
Romance Definitions Those of use in the romance writing field, like people in any profession, have our own jargon. If we intend to have a meaningful discussion about writing romance, or any genre fiction, really, we need to define our terms. This came home to me when talking to my husband about the book he’s …
Why read romance? Why do I write romance? When I was in school, my best friend, Sharon, was a voracious reader, going through about a book a day. She read…:gasp:…Harlequin romances!!! Our school had book fairs twice a year where you literally could buy a Harlequin for fifty cents. You could also get little books …