July 2010

3 posts

Okay, so there isn’t actually film. I’m sitting in the lobby of the Dolphin hotel on the Disney World Property. One thing you can say about Disney. They’re subtle. This has to be one of the most OVER THE TOP lobbies I’ve ever been in. Okay, so I’m not a huge world traveler and I …
Okay, not totally terrible, but I went down to the Dolphin lobby early because I wanted to meet people, find someone to chat with, you know, hang with lovely romance writers. Well, it turns out that if you have a computer in front of you and your fingers are flying across the keys, people “think” …
We were getting ready for Mass and the Boy was dressed to go. We have a wall in our dining room that is all mirrors. Don’t ask; it came that way. Anyway, he walked into the dining room and said, “Let’s see. Do I look handsome or really handsome?” Gotta love that boy.