March 2010

3 posts

It’s been a rough fall and winter at the Brandt household and much of it seemed to fall squarely on my shoulders. Mainly, I guess because I’m at home and I was the one to whom a lot of the medical issues attacked. A couple of weeks ago, Beloved said he was going to give …
Last weekend, 14 Mar 10, we went to a St. Patrick’s Day parade here in Baton Rouge, and like every parade I’ve been to here, it was more about beads and dancing to great or not-so-great music blaring from long trailers decorated in some tangential way that kinda reflects whatever theme there is carrying people …
Right after Christmas, I began to feel that we were coming out of the tunnel of trouble that had inflicted this family. Then I stopped taking my thyroid meds for the radioactive thyroid scan and that affected my emotions and the sciatica came back. Since then, my mother-in-law ended up in the hospital with a …