The Triduum begins today. The Holiest days of the year and the end of Lent.
How has your Lent been going?
I started out with a whole bunch of things I was going to do, but ended up only doing the one thing – getting up every weekday morning at 5:45 and not hitting the snooze button. While I had all kinds of other things on my list, I’m pretty happy with this one. Although, I will be glad for spring break next week where I can sleep in, I am proud of myself for getting up that early every morning. I think I might try to keep it up when school goes back after spring break. I might even get up during spring break. I really enjoyed my early morning time alone.
We had a conference with the Boy’s teacher this morning. He’s on track for going to first grade if only because they can’t hold him back another year. However, he will be getting some special attention and some “resources” attention, meaning he’ll be taken out of class a couple of times a week and put in a smaller reading class to help him with his attention span and general overall reinforcement of some issues.
He’s a bright kid and doesn’t really need help with his reading, which is what we told them this morning (I don’t think they see how well he’s reading. We see it at home when he reads to us but in a classroom setting, I think he might get a little lost.), but they said it’s not just for that. It’s more for the confidence and all that. The principal said they want him to be a leader and are trying to work on making him want to be a leader, too. I’m actually pretty happy with that.
He’s on Day Five of the “Monsters vs. Aliens” “prize package.” If he gets a green or a yellow at school today, he’ll get to go to the movies with Daddy, probably Saturday. Maybe he’ll even get pizza and he definitely will get a bunch of his toys back.
I’ve edited eleven chapters of Sword & Illusion and am waiting for Beloved to pronounce them finished. I’m trying to outline the next book in the series, but it’s not coming easily. I have a couple of other places this “saga” will eventually go, so I might work on one of those books instead.
We’re still waiting to hear from Baen, and that’s getting a little annoying because it’s been three weeks since they said they were going to read it, but I guess I don’t know what goes on inside a publishing house.
Well, tomorrow is Good Friday, and the Good Friday Blog Train will leave the station.

I know it seems kinda weird to have a scrapbook kit just for Good Friday. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I don’t take a lot of pictures of Good Friday, but actually those of us participating just wanted to have a kit that was more religious in nature for this holy time.
I hope you come back tomorrow and download the stuff. I plan to have a few QPs done of a couple of my kits to give away next week!
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