Well, I’m embarassed. I’ve visited some of the other blogs that are participating in the Ultimate Blog Party, and boy are they more interesting than mine!
I guess if you are visiting from the party, I should introduce myself.
I’m a romance and fantasy author and stay-at-home Mom to two wonderful kids. The Girl is 17 and a junior in high school, on the bowling team and beautiful. The Boy is 4, in preschool and just a delight.
I’m a Pennsylvania girl living in Baton Rouge. My DH, to whom I will be married 20 years in April, is a computer programmer at LSU.
This blog is really just a place for me to write about whatever I feel like writing about. I discuss my weight loss journey, writing challenges, my crafts and my family.
I also try, from time to time, to discuss what God is doing in my life. I’m a devout Catholic and still on journey to become the woman I’m meant to me. It’s not an easy journey as I’m definitely a flawed character and often seem to take two steps backward for every step forward.
One thing I hope will happen in this party is that I’ll make some new friends. Since moving to Baton Rouge, I find myself a bit deficient in the friend area, so don’t be afraid to step forward and say hi!
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