September 2014

5 posts

Today my guest is Lynn Shurr. BIO: Once a librarian, now a writer of romance, Lynn Shurr grew up in Pennsylvania Dutch country. She attended a state college and earned a very impractical B.A. in English Literature. Her first job out of school really was working as a cashier in a burger joint. Moving from …
Yes, I’m late once again. Today’s Featured Author is L. E. Fred. L. E. Fred is a perpetual dreamer who writes about worlds both within and without this realm. With a degree in psychology, L. E. Fred tends to get lost in the mind, the greatest adventure of all. L. E. Fred is currently traveling …
Today my guest is H. A. O’Connor. H. A. O’Connor lives with her husband and three children in semi-rural Pennsylvania, along with three dogs, one cat, a guinea pig and four chickens.  She’s been writing since childhood, having gained degrees in literature and education along the way, and is honored to share her stories with …
Today my guest is AJ Maguire. A.J. Maguire is a consumer of stories. She thoroughly believes that stories are the bedrock of humanity, and that the answer to every question in life can be found in the tales that we tell. She also believes that spiders are the spawn of Satan and that her cat …
Wait. You’re thinking, Nancy, it’s Wednesday. What’s with the Getting to Know You Tuesday today?? Well, Monday was Labor Day, so everyone was home. We even had our daughter and her boyfriend over for dinner and a game of Munchkin! However, that made Tuesday Monday, so I got confused with my day. With our guest’s …