June 2014

3 posts

I want to thank HiDee (http://thewritewaycafe.blogspot.com/) for inviting me to join the blog tour. , What am I working on? I suffer from TMIS (Too Many Ideas Syndrome), so there are about four books bumping around in my skull, but I am actively polishing Pigsty Princess, an epic fantasy about a princess who has no …
In 2004, my first book came out. Fabric of Faith was the book of my heart. I really believe God gave me that book, because for the first and only time in my life, I knew the whole story when I got, beginning, middle and end. I don’t do much as far as promoting Fabric …
About five years ago, I went through a bout with thyroid cancer. No biggie, really. I didn’t even know that I had it until my thyroid was removed, but after that, I had to go through Radioactive Iodine treatment which, at the time, meant four weeks off my thyroid meds and two weeks of a …