Welcome to another edition of Teaser Tuesday. In news, Sword & Illusion has still not been released even though it was supposed to come out last week. Last I knew, we were still work out cover issues. This is very frustrating, but in the meantime, you get another teaser.
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Anyway, let’s get on with the Teaser:
“Welcome to this retelling of the History Cycle on the day of the Exalted Warrior’s birth. It is the first such celebration in over seven generations,” Whiteshadow said. “Someday you will tell your grandchildren about this day. All hail the Exalted Warrior!”
The audience began applauding, and Moonrazer smiled. Perhaps Whiteshadow was going to put the pettiness away on this one occasion.
Whiteshadow held up her hands again, requesting silence.
After a moment, she said, “Bow your heads as Warrior Moonrazer prays for our blessing in the form used by Mother Alderbranch.”
Whiteshadow clasped her hands in front of her and faced Moonrazer. Then she closed her eyes and bowed her head. The Sisters of the Flame did the same.
Moonrazer stared at the Mother Prioress. Whiteshadow hadn’t mentioned public prayer, let alone mention this Mother Alderbranch. Moonrazer had never heard of her.
While she did take on the role as Spiritual Leader of the Sarl when they were on the battlefield, Moonrazer wasn’t completely comfortable praying in front of other people.
However, it seemed obvious that no one else in this room was going to move until she conferred some formal blessing. With a sigh, she stood, turned to face the audience, and bowed her head as well.
“O Great Holy One,” she prayed, hoping that Mother Alderbranch’s form, whatever it was, was logical. “Grant Your blessing on these humble servants who desire only to remind Your people of their great heritage and the good You’ve done for them. Make all Your people grateful and more eager to do Your will. Bless me, also, Your most unworthy servant and grant me an extra measure of wisdom as I seek a mate to fulfill the destiny You have for me. Thus may it be according to Your word.”
She raised her head and her eyes met Whiteshadow’s. She didn’t look happy but before Moonrazer could question this, the Mother Prioress turned to the Sisters.
“Go out and get ready. Our performance is about to begin.”
Moonrazer watched the Sisters leave the performance hall, but Whiteshadow stayed behind. She walked toward the Exalted Warrior, smiling.
“That was an adequate prayer of blessing. You, of course, did not know the proper form.”
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