Another week has gone by and I didn’t blog as extensively as I’d hoped.
— I was up at Weight Watchers but down over the last four weeks, so I’m keeping on. I need to track more consistently and I considered how I would help myself. Visualization is one thing I’m working on, plus I took a little notebook I had and jazzed it up.
Maybe this will help me remember to do it.
— Noah and I went to see “Puss in Boots” at the summer $4 movie camp at a local theater. For that you get the movie, a small popcorn and a small drink. I paid extra to get a large diet Coke for me, and he got both popcorns. It was a cute movie. Not as good as the Shrek films but it’s Antonio, so the voice alone is good!
— The rest of the week was routine. I’m trying visualization to help me with my writing. I picture myself typing along happily instead of playing computer games! Getting away from the desktop helps as my netbook isn’t big enough nor does it have a good enough graphics card to play games. Instead I put my headphones on (the speakers are bad on that computer, too) and set Pandora to play Broadway show tunes and I sing while I write. I do usually have to actually stop singing to write coherent sentences, but more and more lately I’m wondering how important coherence is when I see what Everyone Is Talking About. I am not going there so if that reference confuses you, I suggest you check out Jennifer’s blog.
— Next week, I’ll be in Huntsville at Deep South Con either banging my head against a wall because one of the submissions I critiqued (and couldn’t understand) was offered a contract at Baen or laughing because I thought I was a writer and discovered I suck. Either way, I might not be able to do a Fragment Friday.
Have a great week, y’all! Hope it’s not thundering and storming where you are unless that would be a good thing, then I hope it is!
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