I haven’t posted in a while, so I guess I should catch everyone up on what’s going on.
The Boy turned 7 on Sunday.
Yeah, um, not the best picture of me!
The coolest part, besides that he had a lot of fun and got a TON of Hot Wheels, was the cool Hummer Bouncy House I got:
Today is designing day. On Friday, Michelle’s Angels is starting Challenges on the forum. I LOVE challenges, and I get to hostess the “All About Me” challenge. I’m not going to tell you want the challenge is, but this is what you’ll get when you finish a layout for the challenge and post a link to my thread on the forum.

This kit is called Morning Coffee, and next month, after this challenge is finished, it’ll be for sale. If you do the challenge you can get it for free, so that’s your incentive for doing the challenge.
In other news, still no news on our book at Baen. Every time the phone rings I wonder if it’s them, but not so far.
I’m working on Sword & Illusion and started outlining the first Fairy Godmother Bridesmaid Dress, which right now I’m calling The Millionaire’s Secret Desire. I’m not sure I like that, but it sounds like Harlequin or Silhouette.
What do you guys think?? Does it sound too cheesy?
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