1. I went to and joined a Hostess Club at the home of a local Stampin’ Up demonstrator and had a fabulous time. I made a decorated clipboard, a card and a decorated notepad. I’m going to do this again next month.
2. I had the weekend pretty much alone as Steve and Noah went on a campout from Friday to Sunday.
3. Juliette has a sleepover Saturday night so I was really alone.
4. It was lonely!!!!
5. My AlphaSmart seems to have developed some problems – the screen shows two black lines and nothing else.
6. Steve found one of ebay for $29.99. It doesn’t have batteries or cables or software, but I have those things, so I bought it.
7. National Novel Writing Month is coming up so I’ll need the Alpha!
8. My mother put a deposit down on an apartment in Ohio.
9. She also has an offer for her house in PA.
10. I guess she won’t be spending Thanksgiving with us.
11. My weight was up again for the fourth week in a row, so I’m diligently tracking my food this week again.
12. I’ve decided to turn my half of the rec room into a craft/sewing studio.
13. Juliette sang a duet in church on Sunday.
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