Well, yesterday was a good day at our house.
I went to Weight Watchers and was down 2.6 pounds from two weeks ago. That was pretty amazing as the inlaws had been here and we’d celebrated my daughter’s birthday with pizza and ice cream cake. I did workout a lot so that must have had something to do with it.
My husband, who is the co-author (with Honor) of THE LADY AND THE NECROMANCER, found out that Wizards of the Coast, where he really wants to send this book, is finally taking submissions again. So that’s a big deal as he’s been fretting and staring at their website since September 1 when they said the submissions would be open again.
Then I got an email from the lady I’m speaking with at the library in a couple of weeks, Lynn Emery, “apologizing” for telling the library person that $50-75 was fine as a fee, and if I wanted to negotiate something different I should do so. Now I didn’t even expect for a second that we’d be getting paid, so hey $50 is great as far as I’m concerned! I’m just happy I’ll get to sell and sign some books!
THEN to top it all off: I got an email from Amazon.com last night saying I’d sold a copy of my book and would need to ship it in the next two days! I’ve had those books listed for over two months and this is the first sale.
Maybe all that praying and learning to trust is working after all. I feel so much better, even before all this. I went to the Y and did an hour on the elipical, so that helped my mood tremendously!
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